Source: Harris S. M. (2007)
An eighteen month trial of seven Green Tick® Sustainable Certified cleaning products by a local manufacturer in New Zealand lead to spectacular sales increases. In the first year these ranged from 63% to 233%, and in the first half of the second year 22% to 84%.
A joint marketing effort in New Zealand supermarkets where science expertise was partnered with sales expertise resulted in customers clearly responding to obvious and trustworthy Green Tick® branding. The sales increases were sustained over the entire eighteen month monitoring period.
To date, this is the only public market trial result for any ecolabel that proves that sales go up following certification with a Green Tick®. The powerful visual symbol of a Green Tick® and the transparent, reliable sustainability audit reporting available for free on the Green Tick® website were considered keys to this success.
Further details on this market trial are available at Springer: Does Sustainability Sell?